Kidshape – June 2014
Kids today often lead, like most people, very sedentary lifestyles. Thanks to cars and computers, most of what we do is while sitting. This is true for kids as well. They sit in school, they come home and sit to do homework, sit in the car and then for fun, they sit and watch TV or play video games. Summer camps provide not only a mental break from the monotony, but a physical change of pace. Most summer camps are outdoors oriented and keep kids moving and busy all day long. The food at most summer camps is also often different than what kids might receive at home. For one, there are usually fewer choices, and after a day of swimming and hiking, that broccoli might start to look a bit more appetizing. True, there will probably be s’mores and the occasional candy bar, but the truth is the junk food is not as easily accessible or in the same quantities as it is at home. There is no fast food in the woods. A more well-balanced diet and a day full of adventure are great for anyone, kid or not. Mental wellbeing also has a huge impact on physical health. Multiple studies have shown that the mind and the body are not separate entities; they are interwoven, and the state of one will most certainly affect the other. Though they don’t have taxes or mortgages, kids have stress, too. Friends, school and pressure from parents take their toll. Summer camps provide a much-needed mental break. Relaxing, gaining confidence with new experiences and making new friends for a few weeks out of the summer can mentally recharge and refresh kids for the rest of the year ahead. It can be difficult to send kids off on a great big adventure away from home, but it can be a great benefit for the kids and make for a better year. It is worth it. Apart from being just a fun experience, summer camps are physically beneficial for everyone who participates. Fun and engaging exercise, a mental refresh and healthy food for a few weeks make a new school year and a new grade a little bit easier. For more information on the benefits of summer camps, visit the following sites: