July 2015 – Letter from Truman
Hi, Kids! Did you know that America’s official birthday is in July? That’s right! July 4th is the day we celebrate our country’s founding. In honor of America and her history, this issue is all about the United States. We take a look at some of the symbols that represent our country, In “Cultural Connections” we learn about the man who planned our nation’s capitol. Here’s an interesting fact — Washington D.C. is not the only place that served as America’s seat of government. There are nine other cities that have had that honor. How long do you think it took to build Washington D.C.? It’s probably a lot longer than you think! How do you celebrate America’s birthday? Some people go to cookouts or baseball games. Others go to patriotic events and enjoy fireworks at the end. No matter how you choose to celebrate, I hope you spend a few moments thinking about what a special place this great country is.