Tips For Saving Energy This Summer
Summer is here and the temperature is heating up! Did you know that there are ways to work smart and save not only energy but money, too, during the summer months? Most people spend several hundred dollars a year on energy to run their homes.
Here are some ways to painlessly save money this summer:
Be a speedy chef
• Microwaves use two-thirds less energy than a stove. Save time and energy making quick meals.
Wash your dishes
• Dishwashers use less water than hand-washing. Only run the dishwasher when it is full. Run the wash cycle and let the dishes air-dry to save even more.
Fill up the fridge
• Having a full refrigerator keeps it from getting warm too fast when the door is open — so the fridge doesn’t have to work as hard to stay cool.
Turn up the thermostat
• When you are at home set the thermostat to 78 degrees. When you are not home set it to 85 degrees or turn it off. Use ceiling or room fans. The air movement helps cool the room.
Use appliances wisely
• Don’t run appliances during peak hours. This helps prevent electricity outages.
• Use the warm or cold water setting for laundry. Use cold water for the rinse cycle.