Tips For Planting Your Own Garden
Plants are pretty and fun to look at, but they are also important in keeping the Earth healthy. Plants are a food source, they help distribute and clean the planet’s water, they create oxygen, they provide food and shelter to wildlife and they are the source of many compounds used in medicines.
Here are some things you can do to help keep the plants around you healthy.
• Composting: Save plant-based kitchen scraps and lawn clippings and start a compost pile. The composted materials are the perfect fertilizer for houseplants, lawns and gardens. Composting keeps unnecessary waste out of landfills and puts it to good use.
• Plant a garden, but do your research first. Know where plants will thrive (sun vs. shade, humid vs. dry environments) and plant accordingly.
• Check the soil before planting. Many communities have an extension office that will analyze dirt samples free of charge. This is an easy way to find out what the soil needs in order to give plants what they need.
• Use natural lawn and garden products to keep plants healthy instead of harsh chemicals that can harm the environment and pets, too.
• Many communities have water restrictions. Take this into consideration when choosing which plants to add to your garden.