Happy Earth Day!
Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 as a way to celebrate the Earth and all the things that live on Earth and to make people more aware of the need to take care of the planet. More than 20 million Americans across the country gathered in the streets, at parks and other places to rally for a healthy, sustainable environment.
Even though the first Earth Day was more than 45 years ago, there is still plenty of work to do and many reasons to celebrate the Earth, its ecosystems and its resources. See what is going on in your community to celebrate Earth Day. Many places hold festivals, citywide cleanups and other opportunities to learn about the planet and make a difference.
Here are just a few things you can do every day that make a difference:
• Reduce, reuse, recycle.
• Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.
• Turn off the lights when leaving a room.
• Unplug electronics and chargers when you are not using them.
• Compost vegetables and other kitchen waste.
• Volunteer.
• Plant a tree.