Tips for staying warm this winter
Winter is coming, and that means the weather will be getting colder. There are plenty of ways to stay warm without wasting energy or resources.
Close vents and doors in unused rooms. If rooms in your house aren’t used daily, close the air vent to those rooms and seal off the rest of the room. Closing the air vent and keeping the door shut will cause the temperature in the room to drop as you won’t be heating it, saving you money on the heating you were paying for that room.
Wear thick socks or heavy slippers. Feet are one of the first body parts to turn cold, so be proactive with wool socks or slippers with a rubber sole. Taller socks keep more of your leg warm, and the rubber sole keeps your feet from feeling cool tile or hardwood floors.
Lower the thermostat when no one is around. Before leaving for work, turn down your thermostat to keep the heat from running all day. No one is home to benefit from the heat, so you turn it down to save on energy costs.
Keep hot drinks around. A morning cup of hot chocolate (or coffee for grownups) will help to raise your internal body temperature, and for those non caffeine drinkers, try hot tea. Hot tea comes in countless flavors, from fruity to minty to herbal. Another alternative is hot cider.
Use the sun. Open and close your blinds to let the sun in and naturally warm your house. South-facing windows should be opened during the day to maximize the direct sunlight and then closed at night.